Friday, May 9, 2014

On to Challenge #2 - Write html code by hand

I stand before you triumphant  over the first task. Our next tasks to do the ever present "Hello World!" challenge that every training regiment has you complete, but with a twist. Raises eyebrow and laughs maniacally. Well, maybe a giggle because I like my apartment and I think an evil laugh may be terms for evection.
 OK, the twist is you have to do it by hand on a sheet of paper. What kind of torture do these "Peers" wish to inflict upon my person? Don't they know that in the 43 years since I learned how to write the alphabet my handwriting has morphed into some kind of secret language. The NSA would have a hard time deciphering my meager scribble. The workshop provides a template that we are to copy and memorize with the option of making it our own.  After we have completed pour rosetta tablet we are to post it to our blog.

So I now present to the world my version of the ground breaking html file :Hello World! (cue background music from 2001: A Space Odyssey)

Bear witness to the glory of the millenniums!! It is a crappy piece of Walmart brand printing paper with the writings of a poet.

I enjoyed this exercise a lot and I am throughly embarrassed by my lack of hand writing skills. My only complaint, and I am sure it will be addressed soon, is that I would like to see an explanation for each line. I understand <head> means the header at the top of the page but things like <meta chaset="utf-8">  should be noted. I looked it up and got the following answer:

UTF-8 is a variable width Unicode format that is compatible with ASCII or plain text for the basic alphanumeric characters. 

It would have been nice to have a link to explain that.

Well, I think I am done for the night and will continue this tomorrow unless I stay up too late to watch Formula 1.